Apparently my parents had no qualms about me watching THE
BUGS BUNNY SHOW because they had, themselves, been enjoying Looney Tunes and
Merrie Melodies for years in theaters! It was a known quantity. My Dad,
especially, although then in his fifties, had been a fan of Bugs Bunny, Daffy
Duck and friends for as long as they’d been around.

THE BUGS BUNNY SHOW took many of the old theatrical cartoons
and recycled them into a format of three per episode with all new linking
material animated by Warner’s animation department. Even the commercials for
Post were new little cartoons!
The opening theme was one of the most memorable in
television—“Overture, curtain, lights…” Entitled “This Is It,” the song featured
Mel Blanc singing with himself via overdubs as both Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck.
In fact, Blanc, long the sole credited voice for the Looney Tunes characters
(for contractual reasons) probably got more new work out of THE BIGS BUNNY SHOW
than anyone else!

As I learned to read, THE BUGS BUNNY SHOW credits also
introduced me to the names of the great Warners animators including Friz
Freleng, Robert McKimson, and Chuck Jones.

Although originally aired in black and white, most of the vintage
cartoons had naturally been in color and the new animation was also thus so the
show easily transitioned to color by the mid-sixties.
All during this time, those same Looney Tunes and Merrie
Melodies cartoons were also appearing throughout the country in various local
programs and I watched them religiously anytime I saw one!

Bugs Bunny, on the other hand, taught me perseverance.
Nothing ever rattled him for more than the length of a seven-minute cartoon. He
was nearly always prepared for whatever came along or was quickly able to adapt
and deal with a problem. Most of the time, Bugs was calm, clever and
determined. I wanted to be like Bugs.
Daffy, on the other hand, served as Goofus to Bugs’ Gallant.
I feel sorry for today’s kids that they aren’t growing up in
a world where some variation of THE BUGS BUNNY SHOW is on constantly. As
opposed to that “new” LOONEY TUNES show. In fact, although nearly all of the
Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies are available on DVD, one would be hard
pressed to find a single one of the cartoons on any of the hundreds of stations
that are out there today.
I feel lucky that I met these great characters when I did.
THE BUGS BUNNY SHOW in 1960 probably influenced more kids of my generation than
just about any other TV series. I’m glad my Dad loved it, too. We watched Warner
Brothers cartoons together for the rest of his life. He’d hate the fact they
aren’t on TV anymore.